28 December, 2020
Public Health Expert and Healthcare Advisor to the UN Secretary-General Dr Giorgi Pkhakadze says that COVID-19 vaccines must be free and voluntary.
Dr Pkhakadze also warns citizens against buying medicines and vaccines online. "Do not buy medicines and vaccines online under any circumstances. All this is fake," he said, adding that the WHO has refused to approve any medicines or vaccines so far.
Additionally, the public health expert informs that vaccination has already started in Europe, and the Moderna vaccines has already been used in the US together with the Pfizer vaccine. "These vaccines have been approved. We should pay very close attention to this process. We are in the frontline now," he said and stressed that vaccination would prove effective if only 70-80% of the global population is vaccinated.
Professor Giorgi Pkhakadze, MD, MPH, PhD #drpkhakadze #გიორგიფხაკაძე
Source: https://report.ge/en/society/public-health-expert-warns-public-against-buying-covid-19-drugs-and-vaccines-online/