14 December, 2021
Public Health Expert Prof Giorgi Pkhakadze says in his social media post that the effectiveness of two Pfizer vaccine doses has been reduced to 33%.
''The bad news is that the effectiveness of (protection they can provide) two Pfizer jabs has fallen to 33%, with South African and British studies showing this; however, the good news is that they cut the hospitalization risks to 70%.
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Whoever can afford is strongly advised against missing their third booster shots,'' Dr Pkhakadze wrote.
Professor Giorgi Pkhakadze, MD, MPH, PhD #drpkhakadze #accreditationge #გიორგიფხაკაძე
Source: https://report.ge/en/society/prof-pkhakadze-shares-good-and-bad-news-with-public/