17 December, 2021

Public Health Expert Prof Giorgi Pkhakadze says that the new Omicron coronavirus variant is taking over the US, Europe, and African countries.
''Delta variant is dominant in Georgia today, and Omicron will possibly take its place by the end of winter. The ways out from the situation are face masks, distance, hand hygiene, airing rooms, and booster doses! Stop talking about Chinese vaccines, and Russian do not even count,'' Dr Pkhakadze said in his post.
Professor Giorgi Pkhakadze, MD, MPH, PhD #drpkhakadze #accreditationge #გიორგიფხაკაძე
Source: https://report.ge/en/society/omicron-will-possibly-take-over-georgia-by-end-of-winter-says-giorgi-pkhakadze/